Writing Prompt
'Then it begins.'
Use this sentence to start an action or thriller scene, with tension and excitement from the outset.
Then it begins
The shit of life
Comes forth
It seems like bad things
Are happening around the corner
Wicked things
Me, for one
I am going to visit my biological father
My gaslighting father
Who tries to _love_ me, make himself the good guy
Then there’s cheaters
Twisting of words that’s twisting my stomach
My friends, who love me
But for some reason I feel bad, I feel distant
Then it begins. I open my eyes and check that all my stuff is where I left it. Bag…check. Magazines… check. Snacks… check. Binoculars… WHERE ARE MY BINOCULARS!!!
My eyes search frantically while my arms move on their own, digging through the things that have accumulated all around me on this trip. I NEED MY BINOCULARS!!! They are my one physical connection to you, Dad. I can’t lose them.
Then I ...
Then it begins.
My vision blurring of what’s dangerous and what’s safe.
That depressing state where nothing is fun.
All because he caught me when I was drunk.
He was drinking to, but he’s 37 and I’m 16.
Everyday before it, I was finally happy and dancing and now I don’t wanna leave a car when I have to go out.
I wanna curl into a ball, cry about the small comments and the physical stuff that...
ATTENTION: Hello fellow talented and beautiful artist!This fictional and original. Please don’t take it seriously. Anyway, enjoy! 🙂
YEAR 3982
WW4 (World war 4)
“Then it begins.” Dorian says softly, his delicate smile fading. He knew it would happen, unwillingly, but not now. Not when he was at his weakest. The Spark would come, no, not Spar...
“Then it begins.”
“The-the-then what begins?”
Professor Xavier doesn’t answer as he stares down his long nose at his small frightened student.
“Have you ever met a riochocet, dear?”
He takes a step closer and the boy leans back.
A wicked flicker of light passes through the professor’s eyes for a moment then they turn icy cold with malice.
“Well lucky for you then, young sir, you’r...
“I have to get home early tonight, cause,” I paused. I knew what I was about to say was going to raise red flags. I knew it would only be an oily pretense the the fires about to come. “I have to make a make-shift bed.”
“A what?” Surprise crossed both of their faces. Jackie’s facial expressions are harder to read than Elizabeth’s. But it was plain to see the confusion on Jackie’s face. And I could...
{Self Thoughts}
Cy did say it’s over here, right?
Well, he must’ve been tripping on *something* , because I don’t see no damn farm or animals. ~briiingg-
Dammit , and she’s not answering! Fuck, Im literally lost. I got a uber here. Well, technically *she* got me a uber here, so i **reaalyyy** have no clue where I am or where I’m off to. I know what i’m trying to find. A barn. Farm? W...
And so it begins.
The crowd roars with excitement,
Banners lifted, colors blazing bright,
Armor and weapons ready, glinting by torch light
Lined in order, neat and set in stone.
I stand proud to serve.
Swords clash and metal rings,
Pistols blaze, and you can hear their screaming,
Once lively green fields now teemed with crimson red,
And the soldiers laid to rest on their final bed.
Et ça commence!! Dès que j'ouvre la bouche, il doit absolument ouvrir la sienne encore plus grande. C'est une vraie plaie ce gars! Un monsieur "je sais tout" de compétition internationale champion poids lourds toutes catégories! Lui il a tout fait dans sa vie, il a voyagé partout (ouais il a fait le tour du monde), a goûté à toutes les cuisines mais ce sera toujours là sienne la meilleure cuisine ...
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