Submitted by marlovely
Life in Your Hands
Write a poem or short story about if you were death and had to choose each day who must die.
Life in Your Hands
Elle always had long beautiful brown hair. Her boyfriend, Olive, always adored it. It perfectly framed her freckle filled face and was always soft as silk.
For years Elle's mother would brush, braid, and play with her hair. It was a nice change from her fathers smoky scent of cigarettes and the constant fighting. After her parents divorced her mother let go. She wasn't around family as often, and she would no longer play with Elle's long silky hair.
One night in December, Elle and Olive were in Elle's bedroom. Olive sat on the bed while Elle sat up against it. The two of them would chat for hours and hours on end. They never ran out of topics.
Eventually, Olive asked Elle a question. "Do you mind if I play with your hair.?"
Elle looked up at him before answering.
"Sure.." she said with slight hesitation. her hair hasn't been played with in years since the divorce.
Olive gently payed with Elle's hair while they talked about different things. Elle found comfort in his hands stroking her hair a bit.
Elle didn't know if she'd ever tell him about her past. Her life was in his hands.