


Create a description of a character inspired by these words. You do not have to use the words exactly, but it should be obvious how they have influenced the description.

Pt. 1




I plugged my ears and closed my eyes. Not again, it was too much for me to take. The bolts of lightning and thundering rain.

“Billie? Are you alright?” Dante asked with a rhythmic quake in his voice. Must be cold… or sick I thought. The dark rocky walls above us sheltered us from most of the noise and all of the rain. But it was freezing inside.

“Y-yes D-d-Dant-e” I emitted tiredly. Speaking was too troublesome for my liking. Rocking back and forth with my ears plugged I supposed I looked as though I’d have another episode. I cursed silently remembering the last that left a permanent mark on Dante’s left forearm. Dante sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders trying to comfort me. I shrugged them off and looked away still shaking. He was such a kind-hearted, perfect human being, but I couldn’t stand being touched. And I never understood why he persisted on doing so. My wrinkly oily burnt skin- or lack there of-was such an alarming event that it made most shutter. This boy was weird for sure, he looked a little sad at my refusal but than smiled looking off in the distance, hugging his legs. We sat silently shivering. I miss the summer. The summer when everything felt safe. When I first met you.

“S-stop f-follow-I-ing m-me!” I yelled trying to hide under my hoodie. The boy looked at me wide eyed the. Locked down at the stick I was threatening him with.

“Are you planning to murder me with that?” I rolled my eyes.

“L-leave!” I yelled. The boy didn’t budge and for a moment all that could be heard was the song birds in the trees and the frogs in the pound.

“But I must follow you sir. It is my job” the black hairs boy said with slight concern in his voice.

“I-I d-don’t nee-d a b-baby s-sitter!” I yelled trudging off into the forest. He won’t be able to keep up with me, not at this pace. But every time I turned there he was. His expression hull of curiosity and enthusiasm. He watched me in wonder. I rolled my eyes I hated being a focal to everyone’s eyes. I momentarily thought about gouging out his stupid golden eyes and hanging them from a tree. I ran until I had no breath left and plopped down into a field of blue and yellow flowers.

“T-there! H-he d-definitely g-got l-left I-in the d-dust f-for s-sure!” I said between pants. But surely enough the boy sat down next to me.


“Pretty.” He said. They where flowers, of course they where pretty. But when I looked over he was starting at me.


“Your eyes, they’re pretty” he said with a smile that made my heart do unwanted flip flops. My eyes? Surely he was joking. Who could like blackened eyes with red pupils. I looked away trying to cover the atrocity with my hoodie.

“I’m Dante” he said sticking out a hand”

“Billie” I mumbled. Dante took my hand and shook it. I nearly screamed, crawling away. But the golden eyed boy just started in confusion. Most people hated touching me, they where to scared to even look at me. This boy was so confusing. First he comments my eyes and then shakes my hand?

A few years passed and Dante never left my side. Which honestly was extremely annoying. I guessed my mother hit the lottery in finding the only kid In the kingdom that didn’t find me repulsive. I hated being indoors and hated the castle even more. My mother, the queen wanted me to stay indoors more and never go outside. No wonder, who wouldn’t. My father died shortly after I fleas born, my mother always said the plague got him, but the townsfolk have a different story.

It was getting late and my mother was brushing my long black hair, while Dante watched patiently. That’s when it happened, a harmless cough at first. That quickly turned into hacking. I spun around in horror to watch my mother’s elegant body turn frail in minutes while blood was coughed up.

“M-mother!” I screamed holding her body tightly.

“Don’t… worry my son. Dante, will protect you. This isn’t your fault… don’t let anyone tell you otherwise”

“M-mother p-please!” Her body grew cold and her eyes glazed over with nothingness and rolled out of here skeletal frame. My stomach lurched and bloody tears fell from my tired eye sockets. The plague got her just like my father. Dante reached down to comfort me, but I lashed out at him leaving a slit on his cheek and a small trail of blood. Dante’s facial expression remained the same: that of deep worry. Mortimer, the royal guard burst through the door with a sword drawn. He took in the scene, and stared at me with more hatred than anyone I’d ever seen.

“What did you do!” He screamed pointing the sword at me. Dante stepped in the way quickly.

“It wasn’t his fault!”

“It’s always his fault you stupid boy! That boy is a curse! The queen should have had him executed at birth! He killed both the king and queen now! Probably on purpose” killed? How? I didn’t do anything, did I?

“It’s not his fault he was born a disease!” Dante yelled. Those words struck like a sword to the heart.

“W-what?” Tears ceased to follow and my body felt as if it where on fire. Still holding my mothers dead corpse. I felt dizzy and all I could see what blue… blue? What was it? I couldn’t remember but the screaming that followed made me sick.

Stop! My brain screamed. Pulling me back into the dark cave with the sound of rain.

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