A Hand Riddled With Scars Reaching Out

I dont want to drag anyone down with me

I’m angry, sure

But not that angry

Honestly, I’m just tired

Too tired.

I don’t sleep at night anymore

Because it’s the only time I have


To just relax

And be.

I join too many clubs

And activities


I have too many ideas

And I’m done.

I’m done creating

Done destroying

Done setting my bridges on fire

And walking across them


I reject the arms

That hug me


My cactus spikes

Will harm it.

I hate the thoughts

That want me

Since to be wanted

Is inevitably

Hurting somebody.

I bite the hand

That feeds me

So that maybe

it’ll finally

Let me starve.

A bleeding hand

Reaches out to help me up

But here on the ground gravity is heavy

Too heavy to stand

Without pulling it down too.

So I pull

Until I’m tired

And once I’m tired

I let go

And try again tomorrow.

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