You slide the bag across the table, the hooded figure opposite you peers inside. "Where the hell did you find this?!"

Continue this dialogue.

EP 1 - Decay

Statement of Xavier Huynh, regarding a meeting with an unnamed individual, and a small leather bag that he had received with an odd black box located inside of it.

Statement begins.

It was about 8:41 at nighttime, which could possibly explain why the streets of London were weirdly quiet. Usually, there were people out in the town that had been roaming about, and either causing a ruckus or doing something that wasn't important and just to gain others'attention. It was also raining, which was not uncommon in the later months of the year. Yet, it was April at that time, which had confused me even further.

Nonetheless, I had continued making my way down the progressively wetter sidewalks, holding a black umbrella over my head the entire way through. It was moist, obviously, although there was a faint smell of what seemed to be gunpowder. I had assumed I was coming around to the right area. A couple more steps, and just as I had suspected, a bright neon sign had entered my view, which was a bit unexpected, to me, at least.

The man that had made and organized the whole ordeal that was going to happen had told me to meet him at a "secluded area", away from the busier streets of London. Making the connection pretty quickly, I had also figured out that there weren't as many people out and about at the time, since I was bordering on the edge of the town. Taking a glance back at the pocket watch that was hidden inside of my pocket, it read as 9:05. Had I already spent 24 minutes just walking? It made me think otherwise if going into this building that looked like a tattoo shop was a bad idea, yet my curiosity had gotten the better of me and I had already stepped into the building, expecting the worst.

To my surprise, all that was in the area I had walked into was an overhanging yellow light with a faint red hue and an ebony type wood table that had a slight orange highlight as well in the wood. There were also two chairs with the same wood type as the table. I sat down, awkwardly shifting in my seat as I had taken another glance around to try and find anything that was of importance.

I could hear the sound of a door opening from afar (or was it close?), and then all of a sudden, a man flickered into my view, a smile on his face as he had taken his own seat in his chair. I couldn't quite make the details out on his face, yet he had tan skin, and black hair. He was also wearing a black suit, with a bright red tie and the white undershirt. He looked as if he were part of a movie, like a group of secret agents that go and save the world.

I asked him if he were the guy that had told me to meet there. He nodded as a reply, a cheeky grin forming on his face. I had also noticed that his teeth were slightly sharper, as if it were some body modification. But of course, it seemed as if the man had meant business, so I continued. We talked about what we were here for for a bit, seemingly around 10 minutes, from what I remember.

The man said he had a name, yet just went by "The Salesman" with his clients. That made me wonder if I were a client of him, and soon came to realize that I most likely was. A couple of more minutes would pass of us chatting back and forth, until he had excused himself and went to go get something. With the secluded lighting in the small room, it was hard to see where he had gone, yet he soon enough came back with a small pouch in his hand. He slid it across the table, the same grin on his face

I was a bit wary, yet took it into my grasp, turning it over in my hands a bit. It was a leather bag, a much tinier one than models had worn. A handheld one, perhaps. The leather had seemed to be worn down a decent amount, with the leather functioning a bit more like straw or a thinner material. It also seemed to have a texture similar to wool or a rougher cloth in a way.

"Where the hell did you find this?" I would ask him with a clearly confused tone that had entered my voice and remained since the start of this little discussion. The man doesn't respond, instead, the smile flickers a bit and turns into a tiny frown on his face. He hums, eyeing me with a gaze that I couldn't make out. I decided there was just the end of the scuffle, and stood up, quickly thanking the man and taking my leave.

Stepping back outside into the outside world, I would have noticed that the atmosphere would have cleared up, the clouds being a dark gray, yet the rain had passed by pretty quickly, to my surprise. I checked the watch once again, and realized that it was 1:26 in the morning. Not bothering to take a guess at how much time had passed, I started making my way back to my dorm room.

Taking another glance at the pouch that was in my hand, I wondered what was in it. My curiosity perched once again, I would have reached into it, and pulled out a small black box. It seemed to be the same wood type that was the same one that the table and chairs were. It had a bit of a lock on it, yet with a decent amount of fiddling around, I was able to get it open, and almost instantly drop the box as soon as I had opened it.

A bug, a centipede to be exact, had crawled onto me, and was making its way up and around my arm. I could hear the clacking of the box hitting the stone pavement as I had sworn at that very moment -- something that I don't do often. Making a quick attempt to rip the centipede off of me, it had taken not as long as I thought. I threw it somewhere onto the ground below me and stepped on it almost instantly, before letting out a shaky sigh.

I never really liked bugs all that much, and bugs crawling on an individual's skin was all the more horrifying to me. I had also noticed that there was what seemed to be claw marks from where the bug's leg placement was, and the way that it had walked on my arm. Deciding that it wasn't as much of a deal as I thought, I walked off once again, eventually heading back to my dorm room for the night, and not bothering to see what the hell was in the rest of the box.

A funny thing about the story that was just told is that not even a week after Xavier's encounter, the same man that he had been talking to was found dead in front of a tattoo shop. The man was Leo Serrano, a man who had about three years experience in tattoo work, and died to unknown causes. What's even more confusing is that underneath his corpse, there was a hole that had been almost acidically burnt into the ground, in the shape of some sort of bug. There were no visible marks on Serrano's body either.

Statement Ends.

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