“For what?” I ask as press my head against the brick wall of the alley way.

“YOU don’t need to know so just SHUT IT!” Bryce shouts. My eyes widened at Bryce’s outburst.

Bryce paces around the alley muttering. I try to slowly move out of the alley but curse my clumsiness as I tripped and I fell face first on the hard concrete ground.

“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!” Bryce shouts darkly as he stalks towards me. “I see I’ve missed all the fun.” A new voice says as a figure in a dark cloak enters the alley.

“James I’ve seen you’ve arrived.” Bryce says still pushing me into the grounds with his rough hands.

“Yes now let me take over.” The man who probably is James says. I could feel Bryce’s presence leave me and James now taking place.

“Now now let’s start.” James coos as he brings out two cold metal handcuffs. “HELP!” I start repeatedly screeching as the rough handcuffs were attached to me.

“There.” James says triumphantly as he roughly pulls me up and puts tape on my mouth. “Good night.” James in his sickeningly sweet voice as he pours something into my mouth, and I passed out.

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