Toxic Deceite

Trigger warning this poem touches on vivid pictures that could be distressing to some viewers.

The roars of arguments engulf the walls. The slamming of door and banging of floors.

The bruises on my skin the only proof of his sin. The words that escape his mouth cut deep leaving long lasting wounds .

Your sinful games as you brush your hands across my skin.

The never ending lies that wrap around my thighs . As my cries are nothing but murmurs a silent whisper in the wind.

The shocking turn of events leaves me numb with nowhere left to run . Your kisses harass my cheek , I’m left feeling defeat.

My sorrowful eyes speak for me as the cries slowly die out , you tighten your grip as you place your hand on my hips .

But I’m not fine .

The way your fingers traced around my waist touching every dip , maybe your hand slipped .

Who am I kidding . You were persistently trying to get me to strip .

yet I’m sat here upset about a stupid boy that used me as his toy .

How much I wished it was just a dream all that’s left are silent screams .

The flashbacks bound to stay and creep as it consume my peace with no lease .

When does a man become a monster ?

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