Gentle Embrace

Upon an empty shore, I stand alone,

Where seas meet sand and skies call home.

The ocean vast, an endless view,

To contemplate, a mind anew.

In gentle whispers, the waves embrace,

As salty air caresses my face.

A symphony of gulls up high,

Their ethereal songs to mystify.

Footprints fade within the tide,

Mirroring the thoughts I tried,

To hold, to grasp, to comprehend,

Yet slip like sand between my hands.

Here lies a world, where dreams reside,

Within the shells, that oceans hide.

The soothing hum of ebbing flow,

Reveals the secrets yet unknown.

In this solitude, I find release,

As horizon merges into a masterpiece.

A canvas painted by heaven's grace,

Where thoughts can roam, and hearts can race.

Amidst the crashing waves, a hush,

A quietude amidst the rush.

My thoughts and sea, united be,

Entwined as one, in harmony.

As twilight nears, the sky turns gold,

The sun sets forth, a tale untold.

Emboldened by the day's refrain,

I leave the shore, but peace remains.

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