Your character runs a successful perfume shop, and one day loses their sense of smell.
Write about how your character would overcome this problem, and how they deal with it immediately after it happens.
Covid how could you?
You took my smell and my taste.
Oh, what am I going to do?
I feel like waste.
I used to love the smells.
That’s why I started the shop.
But I guess I have to say my farewells,
I guess I have to stop.
The nice and warm feelings,
I get in that store.
Seeing the beautiful ceilings,
I don’t see anymore.
Stuck in my bed,
I feel miserable and tired.
Covid has left me in dread,
I am here uninspired.
Is it permanent?
Will my smell come back?
Or am I like an ornament,
That falls and then breaks, just like that?
Will my customers be gone?
Will my store close down?
And then at the break of dawn,
Will I not be found?
I am tired and weak.
I feel no softness.
I cannot even speak,
Without feeling hopeless.
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