Submitted by Nicholas Rock

'A poet is only as good as their definition of poetry.'

Use this quote to inspire a poem in any style.

Perhaps The Moon Is Just As Lonely As I

On one particular warm summer evening

I convince myself to sit outside and actually allow myself to take notice of the sunset

I admire the beautiful pink and orange hues in the sky. I take a deep breath and smile

I then start to feel myself slowly relax.

I allow myself to be comforted by the sun’s peaceful view and how I long for it to stay

But, of course, it doesn’t take me long to fall in disquietude as I watch the evil, taunting moon come to take the suns place just like it always does.

I unnervingly start hearing a faint whisper in the sky with super chillingly sounds and winds

like it is coming from the lowering sun itself. It’s probably all in my head, but apprehension has already set inside my mind and I hear the faint words of the disappearing sun grow a tad stronger

It seems to be telling the moon it’s now her turn to come out and rule the night without the suns bright colors interfering. So, yet again My safety blanket gets yanked away and is replaced by my agonizing paranoia that the fading sun always brings.

I know that darkness is coming as it always does. I can tell the night sky senses my dread as if the voidless light is feeding off the intense jittery panic I could feel right when I heard the Sun beckon the moon awake. Yet, I’m still sitting on the step realizing that I am alone from the Sun yet again

An uneasy sense of loneliness slips into my mind and starts to taunt my fretful heart

When I look out and see the darkness of the sky, I can’t help but wonder if this is it for me. If the moon and the dark quiet night is finally ready to take my sanity away for good

Nighttime equals isolation and the fear brings out immense distress

I try to turn my focus on the few happy thoughts that should be somewhere in my mind but of course the moon knows the routine as I have come to learn it.

I try to pray but I know the void of darkness loves to steal even the least of my favorite thoughts and memories , which unfortunately are nearing the end supply

My brain is screaming at me to

run a different way but I hear the maniac cackling up above knowing I’d have no where else to stray

Nighttime equals loneliness to me the fear brings out distress. In these moments I’m not scared of ghosts, or random creatures of the night. No, my fear is of being alone with my own terrorizing thoughts which is what paralyzes me each time the sun departs

Maybe tomorrow night I’ll finally conquer the fear of my own mind instead of being stuck in these horrifying thoughts, restless and hiding from the moon. Perhaps she is misunderstood and lonely as I.

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