Lament not
i didn’t mean to smile when you died
lips moving without instruction
bear witness to their stares
they did not know you as well as i
they did not know me either
though they would protest
you were not devilish
too kind
pats on my shoulder
itching to move as the canter drones on
your body is an abomination
i can’t look away
comfort is expected
though unnecessary
perhaps that’s why they seemed afraid
they couldn’t understand
they were whole and content
and i at a loss
they rehearse their speeches
slow their movements
don’t scare the poor girl
don’t cause a scene
perhaps they imagine i would shatter
in their reassuring squeezes
i would not break
these wounds will close
that clinical whiteness burned into my memory
so bright
the lights in our house
my house
serve only to gather dust
there is no hope in the bright places
they failed to fix you
darkness comforts where light could not
darkness wraps around me
and i pretend it’s you
more bodies shuffle over
help her
she’s just a girl
a handkerchief now resting over my mouth
to hide my continued sin
i loved you
did i not?
i had to
why does my body now reject you?
this was not in the pamphlet
was there a stage that i skipped?
they were memorised upon sixth read
"just follow the steps
you won’t need me to live"
did i ever?
i must have
i should have
i wish
there was something so sweet about you
as your light slowly dimmed
for too long i’d watched you shrivel
a rootless flower
yearning for death
your pain became mine
i felt the treatment
running through your veins
i felt it circle
around the lump
and laugh
what a waste
too little, too late
you mirrored its unresponsiveness perfectly
less receptive each day
can you hear me love?
a widow long before the final breath
i mourned you of course
but i mourned myself longer
devoted to your existence
i could never refuse
that was love
that was the woman’s way dear
fantasising life
the aftermath of a lover’s death
people must take interest in me now
hey wait! the widower has something to add
speaking without prompt
hearing my own voice
yours to consume
no longer
only unfolded after tragedy
ha! how tragic
and yet
a reason to dance
one life
split into two
i made haste
with a frivolous teens’ desperation
there were many who jeered
recovered so soon?
besmirching you was unintentional
but you’d already know that
you knew everything
within your comprehension
a life of boxes and tradition
fresh life now blooms
of desire and ambition
an emptied heart
governed by a full mind
appropriate behaviors need moderate
no longer
who am i?
without you
i am.
do you have no guilt?
wasting fresh life
that would be the truer guilt
i did not mean to smile when you died
i meant to applaud