Another Moment Passed

Do you ever stop for a moment

And recall events that feel recent

But then realize a lot of time has passed?

And then you look at that time period, that gap,

And realize how empty it is?

How meaningless?

How little you did or accomplished,

And how apathetic you feel about it?

I don’t know when it’s normal to start feeling this kind of stuff.

I guess when you’re raised faithless you can’t use religion as a crutch.

Because it ends.

And I know that life has meaning

And that somehow it’s devoid of it too

And I like being alive

I swear to god I do.

Oh the irony.

Time is as fleeting as the grains of sand I hold in my palms.

And meaning?

It’s as tangible as the clouds hiding sun and bringing raindrops.

You can see it, and it’s almost like it’s there,

But the moment you reach for it,

You realize it’s just air.

It’s a crisis of time,

It’s a crisis of mortality,

It’s just a fucking crisis of life if you ask me!

The world is a backwards place.

And all this rambling?

It’s called being afraid.

I know that someday it’ll all be over.

And the deeper I dig,

The farther I’m in the hole.

Because I want everything,

And sometimes we’re punished for our love.

Because with all this struggle,

Is living enough?

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