They Took It All

I was alone.

I was alone,

And afraid,

And tired.

Tired of knowing,

Deep down,

That I was different.

That I was something…


And then you came and showed me.

You handed me a kingdom

Of shadows and unknown,

But also mystery

And freedom

And magic

And endless possibilities.

You gave me a palace of my very own,

With a midnight crown woven of silver dreams.

You gave me everything I could ask for.

And you gave me more.

You gave me this beautiful girl,

This powerful girl,

This playful and dangerous girl.

You gave me you.

Because of you,

I had everything anyone could ask for.

And then they took it all away.

With burning light

And their deadly ideas of what is wrong,

What is right.

They took my kingdom,

My crown,

Away from me.

They took you away from me.

They took everything,

All of it,

As if it were nothing.

As if it were simply

Whispers on the wind.

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