The Dreadful Silence

I’ve just moved to the big city

Neighbors so polite

They invite me to their house

They have alcohol, I get wasted

Fall asleep in the bathtub

It’s the strangest

When I wake up back in my bed

There’s a girl laying next to me

Her hair is bright red

I look to the other way

A pineapple on the island

“Tropical fruit, oh tropical fruit

How dost thou sit upon mine counter

Withn’t a quandary of thought”

I jot in my journal

The day continues, I meet the girl

So kind and gorgeous

We might just hit it off

I ask her to dinner

She replies affirmative

We continue in our relationship

We begin traditions that may last a lifetime

If this next date goes well

It’s a bit cliche, ring in champagne

“But if an item may appear to be intact

Why would one go about mending it”

A fun Shakespearean twist to an old phrase

She sees the ring

I pop the question

Everyone in the room looks to us

As if we know what to say

It’s a difficult question

With a quick, painful answer

And now all I’m left with

Is the dreadful silence

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