You are stuck in a room with a psychopath who wants to kill you. You have five minutes to convince them otherwise.

Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.

My Pledge To You

I'm not going to regale you with sob stories of how I have so much to live for. I don't. Life has always felt like a burden to me. If I'm being honest, I've thought of taking myself out throughout the years. So, here I am speaking directly to you, a self professed serial killer who has me directly under your control, asking you to reconsider your plan for me. I share your disdain for humans. I don't necessarily desire having them as hostages in abandoned houses, torturing them slowly as you do, but I understand your sentiment. I sympathize with the desire to rid the planet of a species that continues to destroy and consume. I see merit in your cause.

I ask you to reconsider your plans for me as I believe if you spare my life I can be a great asset to your endeavours of eliminating more and more people from society. I have often wanted dreamt of living a life like yours. I just never had the grit for it. I envy your courage. For years I have fantasized about doing what you have flawlessly done and continue to do so successfully. I've seen you on the news, I've been mesmerized by your accomplishments. In all honesty, I am honored to be one of your subjects. But, I could assist you in better ways, I can expand your enterprise. I can bring them to you, help you to conceal their whereabouts. People believe me to have a kind nature, I easily blend in and easily blend out. Nobody would suspect me of helping in something most consider so sinister.

I _will _be your servant. I'm not simply asking for mercy, for you to keep me alive without a purpose. I propose you allow me to survive if only for the chance to prove my loyalty.

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