Avoiding Familiar Places

My friends suggested going to the beach.

i didn’t want to go. I tried to avoid it.

I don’t know why.

But then today I was thinking about the beach.

I had anohter nightmare last night,

So I was more prone to getting stuck in the past,

And you were there at the beach,

I kept seeing the memory.

Memories I guess.

You were stuck in my head.

And it made me anxious,

It made me wary.

I know that I need to build new memories,

So that these aren’t scary places,

But give me a break.

A little more time.

It’s hard.

It’s not an easy thing to deal with.

Some kids my age will tell me that they understand,

From personal experience and such.

But I find that so hard to believe.

It’s not like she was just mean.

Everyone deals with somebody mean.

The signs are pointing to PTSD.

I need some new memories at the beach.

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