Compose a poem which contrasts the world of dreams with the harshness of reality.

You can choose any style that you think is appropriate.

I Used to Be a Dreamer

I've been called a dreamer. A thing I've always embraced.

But people laugh and people joke, until I've been displaced.

Have you heard of hopeless romantics? Those who wish that fate could be real?

Those who twist and turn, wishing that a soulmate would reveal?

Those people end up single. Crying alone at night.

Wishing that the romance books would turn to real life.

Maybe you've heard of optimists. Ones who always have good luck.

But ones who put in too much faith and can't attain a buck.

Now we have the American dream. A house with every room.

Perfect children everywhere, with your perfect groom.

But broken homes are all around. The kids are split apart.

The perfect groom has disappeared and is breaking your heart.

I've been called a dreamer. A thing I've always embraced.

But people laughed and people joked and now I've been erased.

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