
I was thinking about you packing.

I believe you have the right idea.

I sat there and told you about me relapsing.

I get it, you want to face your demons.

Your judgment is clouded, your world collapsing.

You’re letting go a part of your life that I think you may regret.

I hope that you can see it through my lens.

Let me help you redirect.

Loving you should never be in question or doubt.

But you loving me like me to you, I guess it depends.

You want to walk away from us and expect to remain friends.

Leaving this town is what I recommend.

We can help each other find each other.

Your pain is my pain.

Realize it because I’m too hurt and tired to try and explain.

I don’t want anyone else as my lover.

Don’t throw me to your past to be in the present living it up.

I now see there’s no point for me doing this, your mind is already made up.

It’s not me, you’re the one giving it up.

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