A White Wolf

It was a small town, the type of place where everyone knew everyone. Where Main Street was a three block radius street. Holding everything the small town needed. Yet winter had started to hit the small town hard.

“Sarah!” Her mom’s voice broke her out of the concentration she’d had on movement amongst the pine trees across their large yard.

Her mother was sitting at the edge of the front foyer. A cup of coffee in her hand while she watched her daughter brush her luxurious creamy blonde hair. Steel blue eyes looked back at her with a content smile, still brushing strands away.

“Your father won’t be home tonight. Towns a lot worse for wear” Her mother let a small glimpse of fear pass quickly before taking a sip of coffee. “You should probably get some close on kid. Gonna catch a cold”

“My Snuggie is all I need” She protested, rubbing the soft black fleece against her ghostly skin tone.

A soft whine echoed across the woods just outside the small town house. Causing both women to freeze for a second.

“Probably a coyote” Her mother nonchalantly told her, steeping back into the next room.

“What are you?” Sarah watched the snowy tree line for a few seconds before again something seemed to move.

The door was only a few steps away. The screen door was making a racket as the wind bashed it against the frame.

“Mom there’s something out there?” Sarah stood up, the Snuggie hanging against her slender figure as the cold wind nipped at her face and exposed skin.

“Your eyes are playing tricks on you” Her mother called back, laughing at a tv show.

Sarah stopped dead in her tracks as a pair of large crystal clear blue eyes met hers. Just a step or two off the porch. Stood what looked like a massive white husky. It’s head nearly the size of the large grill her father had off to the left side of the porch.

It whined again as a gust of wind knocked her down forward into the snow. Her hands instantly felt like ice sickles, her knees pushing the Snuggie into the few inches of snow. The Snuggie parted letting the cold air send a long chill down her back.

Then a few loud cracks as loud as gun shots started to erupt around the house. A huge white wall of snow was rapidly approaching the house from behind. The beast whined, licking at the snow that covered her hands.

“Mom” She started to call out before the pink jaws of the beast opened to reveal a row of razor sharp teeth.

Teeth that easily clamped down around the Snuggie that still hung over her freshly showered body. The night air was cold as it wrapped around her. This beast was dragging her off the porch as the house erupted into destruction. Wood, bricks, balls of ice and snow.

Then it was off, all four legs sweeping across the snow covered floor. Sarah screaming in terror out into the cold blustery air. It was unbearable, the Snuggie quickly became soaked. Sticking to every surface on her body. Tears had frozen as they ran, well it ran. Pulling her away from the failed safety of her childhood home, while it crumbled within the avalanche behind them.

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