Where I live, GoldenRope, is a small town, the type of place where everyone knows everyone… especially me and my family.
I yawn and stretch, and my sister, Briar, romps into my room, her feet heavy and click-clacking on the ground.
“Wake up, Rosie Posie!” She exclaims, shaking my soft pink bed. I moan, “but…” “Todays your first day of school!” She says.
I reluctantly rise from bed and into the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth while combing my “hair.”
Once I finish that, I pull on the silky white top and pink skort my mother wants me to wear. Briar, giggles and runs to grab me my pastel backpack. “Thank you, B.” I say, ruffling her “hair.” She grins, and being only four and not the age to go to school, runs off to lounge in bed some more.
“Come on, Rose, time to go to school.” My mother calls from the other room. I shake my head, open the door, and hop in the car.
The distance from school is only like a five to ten minutes, but we decide to drive anyway, being my first day in a new school. I always did home school… because I was always considered “too different.”
When we arrive at the GoldenRope Middle School, (which is very hard to get in to, by the way) I give my mother one last, big hug and hop out.
I get lots, and I mean, lots of stares and strange looks when I walk in. I think I almost made a teacher pass out when she saw me, I guess Mr. Young didn’t tell her about me.
“Look at that… that thing, it’s so weird looking.” I hear a small, blonde haired girl whisper to another girl, and they both run off when I look their way, smiling.
I kind of feel like August, from Wonder, sometimes. Except for the fact that my whole family is like me, we are all—
“WOLF!!!!!” Screams a boy who looks like he is in eighth grade. Tons of other kids begin the shriek, and I cover my pointy ears. Some kids begin to cry when they see me, and I feel like burying mystery in my locker.
————————————during class————————————
I get lost of dirty looks, especially from one kid named Freddy. I heard he is the “most popular” kid in the sixth grade. He has deep brown hair and bright blue eyes, with a mischievous smile always visible.
You know, it makes sense why I keep saying “hair” know to you, right? Yeah, I was saying it because I didn’t want to give away my secret yet, but now you know, I’m a wolf… in middle school.
Mrs. Ferrel, our English teacher, passes out papers for us to fill out about ourselves. I hear light chuckles when some of the kids receive their paper, they probably think it is too “babyish.”
————————————at lunch———————————————
Unsurprisingly, I sit alone at lunch. Just me, my lunchbox, and my writing notebook. I slowly take bites of my sandwich, and watch as other kids laugh and talk.
And that’s I spot him. A young cat sitting in the corner, typing on his computer, oblivious to the people around him. I scoop up my belongings and cram them into my lunchbox.
“Hi there, I’m Rose.” I say, slightly touching his back. He turns around and let’s out a small hoot of disbelief. “Y-you-‘re a…” he stutters. I grin and flick my brown and grey speckled tail, “a wolf, yup.”
I place my stuff next to him and sit down. “What’s your name?” I ask. He hangs his head, “it’s embarrassing...” my ears perk up, “what do you mean?”
“They named me a pet name.” He says
“Like what?”
“I told you, it’s embarrassing.”
“C’mon, tell me! I won’t laugh.”
“Okay,” he leans in close to me, “Fluffy.” My eyes light up, “well that is a cute name!” “Exactly, that’s why I don’t like it. So I told everyone to call me Felix, since it is my middle name.”
I chuckle, “Fluffy Felix?” Felix purrs and his soft, black body vibrates. I notice he is wearing a hoodie that says: Trinity Baptist Church. “You go to Trinity too?” I ask in disbelief.
“Yeah, I have gone there since I was a kitten!” We both laugh together, “I never knew another animal like me went there!” I say.
He curls his tail around himself as we continue to laugh, chat, and laugh some more. “I think, just maybe, I have found a true friend.” I say, my eyes sparkling. Felix blushes, “me too.”
(This is part of a story I am writing.)