Helpline Call

A​grresivlely clicking my pen, I became anxious of the clock. My shift at work was dreadfully long. I haven't had a call in hours. Being a slow day in December, students from the university left to go back home to their families for the holidays.

A​ll my co-workers have already clocked out.  Me myself and I had to close up shop at the apartment complex downtown. The job was enjoyably simple, all I'm assigned to do is answer the phone and answer questions about our apartments. Sounds easy enough?

T​hen there were days when it's painfully slow.  I jammed out to Frank Ocean's greatest hits on the TV. The beautiful melody has me closing my eyes and swaying back and forth to the lyrics. Dancing since there's no one in the office.


T​otal vibe kill. I was daydreaming of a simpler life throughout the song and this random customer had to call during this shift huh.

"​Thank you for calling Park East Apartments, this is Sean, how can I help you?"

H​eavy breathing, almost alien like, was whistling through the speaker of the phone. As if the person was gasping for air and couldn't breathe.

"​Sean, I'm going to tell you this one time. Grab a paper and pen and write this down for me."

R​efusing to obey his demands I responded "Who even are you pal? Are you looking for an apartment? Would you like to schedule a tour?"

"​Write down these numbers. 14 57 23 43 19. In that order. And turn on channel 4 at 7pm sharp. Don't forget these numbers. Your destiny awaits."

T​he call ended.

T​he numbers wrote down in the order of his command on a napkin close to me. Confused would be an understatement.

F​lipping through the TV channels, I came across channel four right on schedule. Still wondering what this guy was talking about.

"​Welcome to tonight's power ball numbers ladies and gentleman. Here are our winning numbers for the night." the TV host announced.

A​in't no way I thought. Ain't no way this is what I think it is.

"​And the winning numbers are 14 57 23 43 19. And it looks like Sean Armstrong from Rhode Island. You are our winner for tonight's 500 thousand dollar jackpot!"

H​oly shit.

Reaching for the phone to call back the number of the man that gave me the numbers, I speed dialed all the earlier contacts till I saw the phone number.

*​The phone number you are trying to reach is no longer in service. GOODBYE*

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