
Cold waters feel warm when you’re freezing, just like how a cold touch feels refreshing when living a life with no affection.

Take away what makes us human and we are no different from animals, fighting to survive in a world we can’t comprehend.

Loneliness is just a sign that we are supposed to be with other beings, but what do we do when we feel lonely around others to begin with?

Growing up they told us to be like butterflies, so you spread your wings and go where you wish..

But what do you do when you’re suffocating on the cocoon?

Can’t break free because you’re too weak, can’t stay in or else you’ll die. The only choice you have is to sit there and wait for death to come..

With every breath you take you are digging your way closer to your grave.

With every tear, you relive your fondest memories. Your brains way to trying to save you from giving up…

But for those who had a horrible life, who have nothing to live for… what do they see?

Emptiness? A void? Or do they relive the horrible events that took place, then are gone?

In a void? …Sounds better than Hell. Cuz at least in space it’s cold, and you feel as though your drifting in the ocean.

The salt in the ocean when your drowning causes your lungs to bleed. You drown on your own blood, and fish pee.

Wonderful right? Death comes no matter what situation you’re in. Freezing, starvation, loneliness, depression, fire, or water.

We know one thing for certain..

That death comes for us all… at least that’s the one thing we can all say we have in common.

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