Childhood Best Friend

I wish I had never let go

That dark brown hair

And matching eyes

Complimenting my lighter

Bluer, blonder features

I wish I had never let go

How we could laugh together

Cry together

Heal together

Even run together

Running from our problems

Running to heal

Running to each other

Running to no one else

Running instead of going to therapy

But now we both need therapy

You go because your now friends

Never understand the way that I did

I go because I have everything

But still wish to go back to you

You not in a sense of person

But you in the sense of time

The time period where I had you

When we were still young

Too young to know what awaits us

We were young

Naive even

When I think of you

I remember myself as a girl

But neither of us are girls anymore

There was never a big argument

Never a blow out

Never a reason that we stopped

We simply grew

Growing in far too different directions

I wish I had never let go

But maybe it was for the better

Maybe we were never meant to last

Only there to learn

Loneliness and friendship

I wish I had never let go

Now we’re too different

I don’t regret you

I wish you the best in your life

Without me

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