'I have forgotten.'

Write a story with this as the final line of dialogue.

For Your Eyes Only

(This is a new idea I’ve got! It’s got the characters I’ve written a little bit about, Lycoln and Makenzie. It’s pretty late so remember that as you read. I just want feedback, and I want to know if anyone is interested in these guys. Thanks for the reads!!! I love you guys!!!!❤️)

It was cold outside. Colder than it should’ve been. The wind blew dead leaves across the ground.

I walked slowly my head bent down and my hood pulled far over my face. This must be what it’s like to be alone. I thought as I let my gaze fall to the crisp, brown leaves that scattered across the sidewalk.

There’s almost something deadly about the silence of knowing you’re alone. But it’s worse it’s worse because being alone makes you do stupid things. Things you wouldn’t have done otherwise.

Things like going to you school’s football game, cheering as loud as you could even though you’d never even made a peep in classes, and running out to the field after the game to talk to your crush. Acting as if he knew you, talking to him, getting lost in your dreams of what could be. Only to have him smile awkwardly and avoid your eyes.

I was more than alone that night. All I could think about was History class. How he’d been there since the first day, how he’d talk to his friends but never interrupt class, how he’d always introduce himself to subs giving them high fives and asking their names.

All things that only caught my attention after I was already in love with him.

I’m sure I would’ve noticed his kind, beautiful personality before I fell for him, but liking him just highlighted everything he did in the brightest color.

We had a sub that day, yesterday. The day of the game. He’d done his usual, smiling that smile, walking up to the teacher’s desk where the nervous sub stared at the sheet of directions the teacher had left. He’d make himself noticed by hovering over her until she looked up. I couldn’t even see his face, only his back. And yet I knew what he’d done, the smile that spread across the subs face was the give away, he’d smiled at her. A smile unlike any other, a smile you couldn’t help but smile back to.

Then he’d said his name Lyncoln Keller, which then led to the sub saying her name. Then he lifted his hand up high, and gave her a high five that echoed in my mind. I wanted that to be my hand touching his, feeling his warm touch, feeling _him_.

One thing led to another. I felt alone I wanted that to be my hand, so I went to his game that night. The lights were so bright, shinning in my eyes the entire time but I didn’t notice all I could see was him. His black jersey with number 83 written in light blue across his back. It had become my favorite number after that, and I had an itching feeling that it always would be.

The rest is pretty straight forward. I didn’t get his famous smile, I didn’t get a high five, I didn’t even get a look of recognition. So here I am, pouting like a child walking in the cold evening with last night replaying over and over again in my mind.

I was an idiot, why the heck would Lyncoln ever want to talk to a girl like me? I’m a freaking idiot!


I’m frozen by the sound of a voice. I let my eyes rise from the ground my breath leaving me just as fast as the wind blows around me.

It’s him….Lycoln Keller. Talking to….me?

“He…hey,” I stammer, avoiding his hazel, gold eyes.

“It’s pretty cold out,” he says my eyes flicking on and off of his.

I nod, what’s going on? “Yeah.”

“I saw you last night.”

I nod again, my eyes glued to the sidewalk. “Oh, yeah….” I trail off. “Sorry.”

My heart starts racing, my cheeks burning hotter than the sun. Lycoln Keller….Lycoln Keller is talking to me.

“Don’t be,” Lycoln brings my attention back to him. I meet his eyes. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I was pretty rude, I didn’t mean to be. I just never thought you’d ever talk to me.”

What? “No,” I say quickly. “Don’t apologize.”

Lycoln smiles then. I melt, it’s that smile. The Lycoln Keller smile. “Well, I just wanted to say thanks for coming. And for reaching out, I’d be glad to see you next week if you’re free.”

Did he just invite me to his next game? “Next week?” I ask. “Your game?”

Lycoln nods. “Yeah, it’s at 7:00. Although I guess you knew that.”

I did know that, of course I did it’s my favorite time of Friday nights.

“Will you do something?” I blurt out.

“Sure, what’s up?”

I take a deep breath. “Forget about last night. I feel stupid about it.”

“Alright,” Lycoln agrees. “But it’s really alright. I didn’t mind you coming and saying hi. Feel free to do that actually, anytime.”

Now I smile. It’s probably not as perfect as the Lycoln Keller smile. Who am I kidding? Of course it’s not as perfect as the Lycoln Keller smile, but it does make him smile that smile so I guess there’s a plus.

“If you’ll forget?” I say again, hoping he’ll just take the hint. I’m embarrassed, beyond embarrassment.

Lycoln laughed then. A laugh only more beautiful than his smile. “Alright then.”

He meets my eyes his smile still there, as he lifts his hand up. _Can you read minds?_ I think as I begin to lift mine. _‘Cause you freaking just read mine. _

And then our hands touch, but they don’t leave after the loud clap ends. They stay together and that makes Lycoln smile.

“I have forgotten,” he whispers.

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