by Annie Spratt @ Unsplash

Drawing from typical tropes of supernatural or ghost stories, create a short story set in an old manor house.
There’s No Escape
I was out this morning walking my dog and there was a whole bunch of cars parked outside my neighbor’s house. I thought that was weird. They never have people over. Honestly, I’ve never seen them leave their house.
I continued walking my dog around the block. More and more cars were driving off towards my street. Something weird is going on.
Once I got back onto our street, there were even more cars parked at the outside of the house. There was even a news van parked outside. The reporter was for Fox News. He was standing in the front talking into the microphone.
I went into my house and turned the Fox News station on. On the screen, it displayed my neighbor’s yard without the house in it. The reporter was there talking about it.
The reporter said, “ The house mystery just disappeared this morning without a trace that it was ever here.” What are they talking about? I can look out my window and see the house.
I turned up the volume. “ It was here last night,” the reporter claimed, “ The neighbors called in saying the house just disappeared, why don’t we talk to some of the neighbors of this mystery.”
Then my next-door neighbor was on the screen talking about how the house disappeared, “ It was here last night. Not a signal sound came from this direction last night. I woke up, opened the blinds of my window and it was gone. It just disappeared into thin air without any trace that the house was even here.”
These people are crazy. I turned off the television and headed outside. I walked straight up to the news reporter and grabbed his microphone straight from his hand. “ You people are crazy and liars. I live in the house across the street and I see this house perfectly fine. I will even go in the house to prove it to you.”
I walked up to this giant house's front door. The thing is pretty old and beaten up, but it is still here. I knock on the door, and a voice from inside yells, “Come in.”
I open the door. There is the family that lives here. “ Hey guys, what is going on outside? They all say your house disappeared.” I say confused.
The lady said, “ There right, it did disappear. You are the only one in the whole world who can see it.” I was getting hot all of a sudden. I started getting creeped out.
“ What, what do, what do you mean?” I said scared.
All four of them at the exact same time got up. Looked at me with this creepy smile. Tilted their heads and all of them said in sync, “ There’s no escape!” Tilted their heads the other way and screamed, “There’s no escape!” They just kept repeating it over and over again.
I jumped up. Bolted for the door. It was locked. They just kept creeping closer and closer to me repeating, “ There’s no escape!”
I tried taking another step backward and then I fell into this endless black hole. Screaming the whole down without a trace.