
“Whats A’s girlfriend's name?” My sister asks me, I didn't know it and didn't bother to ask since it wasn't my business.

“I don't know.”

“Give me A’s number!” She insists.

“No,” I answer confused on why she wants to know.

“Please!!!! I keep asking A and she wont tell me!”

“No, that's her business and I won't give out her number without consent.”

“Ugh! No fair.”

_I roll my eyes and tell A the next day.

She was surprised and I apologized and said she always is pushy.

I few weeks later A writes “O❤️” with a pen on her hand._

“Whats that?” I ask.

“My girlfriends initial.”

I come home, “I found out her girlfriends name.”

“I already know it, she told me.” _My sister says.

Never thought I'd have a pushy sister._

True ✨

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