Iā€™m Fine

I didn't even have the

Chance to say goodbye

And to tell you the

Things I've longed to say

Now you're gone for good

You've left me, broke your

Promise and my heart

I stop and cry when something

Reminds me of you

I don't have any strength to

Move on when you were what

Made me strong

People tell me that they are sorry

For my loss but they'll never

Truly understand my pain

I drown myself in work and books

Anything to make me forget

I'm having trouble remembering

Your laugh and smile

It hurts too much to look back

At the videos and photos

I love you, I love you, š™„ š™”š™¤š™«š™š š™®š™¤š™Ŗ

And I wish I had

Told you sooner

I was foolish to think

Everything was fine

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