
In the depths of the night, where the shadows stretch,

A quiet whisper in the darkness inspires.

Desire sneaks in, subtle and insistent,

Like a clandestine wind, gentle but persistent.

At the edge of the abyss, the call is seductive,

A forbidden fruit, with a dazzling taste.

The sirens sing, promises and delights,

But the vigilant soul discerns mischief.

To resist, you must anchor your mind,

With deep values, with buried wisdom.

An inner beacon, shining despite the mist,

Guide the fragile heart away from bitter foam.

Temptation, fleeting, passes like a tide,

She retreats from the asserted will.

Because in every trial, a strength is revealed,

An intimate heroism, an eternal courage.

Stay true to yourself, despite the deceptive songs,

It's finding peace, it's picking the flower.

So, in the morning, when the light is reborn,

The soul, pure and serene, finds itself fortunate.

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