Submitted by Shadowdrake27

Write about a character who is up against impossible odds.

Your character doesn’t have to succeed or fail, they just have to know the odds are against them.

I’m fine

Now I eat less

My life is a mess

I’m under so much stress

I’m trying my best

But i never get rest

And I don’t feel very blessed

The voices inside

They eat me alive

Because good isn’t enough

And I can only hold so much

Before I explode

My soul implodes

All because I don’t know which roads

To go down

But I’m _fine_

I’m always _fine_

Thats a silly little saying of mine

A little white lie

That I say when I sigh

Because Its easier to be _Fine_

Than it is to be crying

Its easier to be _fine_

Than it is to be broken

And with only two words spoken

I hide the truth inside

The words of a thousand mouths

And all the thoughts that went south

It says in my head

Only to come out in bed

To haunt me with its rhymes

Because no I’m not _fine_

But how do I say that?

How can I let down the mask?

How can I not pretend,

If only for a moment,

And let people in

To see

The real me

The one who is not _Fine_

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