Queen Means Blood

โ€œA Queen is supposed to be merciful.โ€ She sat tall in her throne, poised and regal. A smile spread across her lips. โ€œBut in this world, being Queen means blood.โ€

โ€œNo!โ€ The man called as the guards dragged him away. โ€œNo! Your majesty, please!โ€

โ€œYou have betrayed me.โ€ The Queen said, her unblinking eyes placed upon him. โ€œI have have no further use for you. In one hour you will be slaughtered, by me!โ€

A gasp escape the mouths of the watching crowd, the Queen never did the executions herself.

โ€œIf being Queen means blood, then who am I if not to be the one who draws that blood?โ€ She explained, โ€œGuards, take him to the dungeon and then find me my sword.โ€ One of the guards opened their mouths to speak but she cut in first. โ€œNot that sword you fool!โ€ She pointed at a sword leaning against her throne. โ€œHe deserves my special sword.โ€

The guards nodded and then began to drag the prisoner away again.

โ€œWait!โ€ The prisoner cried, โ€œI have information!โ€

The noise stopped and the guards stood still. The Queen grabbed the handle of the sword lying at her side and walked slowly towards the prisoner.

โ€œWhat do you mean by โ€˜informationโ€™?โ€ She hissed.

โ€œI will tell you if you let me go free.โ€ He said slyly.

โ€œFine.โ€ She agreed, โ€œWhat information do you have?โ€

โ€œKing Silas, he knows your battle plan.โ€ The Queen eyes widen, โ€œHe knows when youโ€™re going to attack, who is going to attack, what you will use to attack, where you will attack. And he knows every nook and cranny of your defence system. He might already be changing his defence system so you canโ€™t attack, or getting together an army, he might already be here.โ€

โ€œThat information has been useful.โ€ The Queen said, choosing her words carefully. โ€œBut it is as I said, being Queen means blood.โ€

She rose her sword, enjoying the terror in his eyes.

โ€œNo! We had a deal!โ€ He screamed.

โ€œAnd that deal is nothing to me now.โ€ She said sternly.

She sliced down with her sword, blood spattered over the her and the guards. She turned to the watching crowd and spoke.

โ€œQueen means blood!โ€

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