Leaving Aliyah

“You seem tired Baby” Sam cooed at me

“ Mmm” I sleepily mumbled back

He smiled softly and gingerly rubbed my back.

My eyelids flutted shut and he carried me into the bedroom with great grace and slid me under our blue comforter and went off the shower.

I slid her under the blue comforter the edges of her moutg curved up into a slight smile and I couldnt help but place a slight kiss on her beutiful forehead. I went off to shower knowing what I would have to do in the morning. The hot water felt glorious on my stressed skin. The thoughts in my head were uncontrollable and I got to crying without cease. The hot salty tears streaming down my Ivory skin and it felt as if my eyes were leaking.

He climbed under the pasty cerulean comforter His skin tense but warm and I slowly inched closer. His stubble rubbed against my forehead as he kissed my curly hair. I whispered an I love you before wrapping myself around him and drifting off to sleep.

I held her tightly due to the fact that I knew this was likely to be the last time I would ever hold her. I traced circles, stars, and hearts on the delicate exposed skin just above her camisole.

She deserves so much more than I can give her. For now all I can do is hold her and let silent tears ease their way slowly down my face.

I can tell something is off with Sam. He thinks I am sleeping but I am just listening to his soft whispered prayers his choked tearful I love you and his light airy kisses on my temples. He never crys he always keeps up his tough guy act but he seems so broken and hurt and ashamed. I dont know what is going on but it is terrifying. I cant help but let a few useless whimpers eacape my mouth. Slowly but surely they turn into full on sobs. What is happening to me, to us.

She is sobbing in my arms for nearky an hour before i feel her give in to her exhaustion. I feel her soft breathing against my bare chest and it calms me, I cant deal with anymore emotions tonight, yet they still come. My baby is lying here in my arms, she has no idea what is going on or what is going to happen in just a few measley hours. I think about that for a long while and just hug her fragile body and drift into a deep sleep.

I wake up before sam his pillow still damp from his tears, I ponder how long he cried last night, I stroke his soft cheek and give him a little kiss near his collarbone before creeping to the bathroom. My frizzy hair resembles a birds nest and it makes me giggle, I never really liked braids I always prefered the natural puff of the hair, It matched the earthy glow of my emerald eyes and the faint blush of my cheeks. I pull out my makeup and decide To cover up the slight bags under my eyes from crying too late. The concelar Is labeled with a sticker that says russett. It is tye only thing I have ever been able to gind that completely matches my unique skin tone and dosnet make me look my barbie doll. I brush some powder on top of the concealer and put on my favorite pair of jeans and my conan gray hoodie. I slide some fuzzy socks on and head to the kitchen.

I wake up to the the smell of salty bacon and I can imagine it sizzing and popping in its own grease. I am sure Aliyah is cooking it in the lilac pan I got her for her 16th birthday, Good lord that was nearly three years ago. I stretch before plucking my phone off of the bedside table.


_38 texts_

_27 missed calls_

_18 other notifications _


I slam my phone back down I cant deal with this right now. I power it off before switching on the bedroom light and slide into a pair of purple sweatpants and a black tshirt



I hear him coming downstairs and for some reason it scares me. He dosent scare me. But what happened last night scared me. He comes behind me and wraps his hands around my waist nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. I hum quietly while I finish making breakfast. He is oddly quiet usually he is working out or bugging me about how pretty I am and how the milk is expired but he is jsut standing there swaying me back and forth.



_“Aliyah we need to talk”_

_“Baby Something Happened”_

_“Sweetheart I need to tell you something”_


Theese are all possibilities that swirl through my head bwfore finally landing on, “Aliyah can I tell you something?” Those worss feel like poison on my tounge and she seems hurt and confused at the same time before whispering, “ Of course baby.” So I lead her into the living room and let her climb into my lap on the sofa. “Baby, something happened, something bad.” I tell her

She chokes out a small whimper that seems to be telling me to elaborate. So I take a deep breath before continuing. Aliyah, I have to leave, this crazy country is forcing me to join the military, They will hurt you if I dont. She always looks pretty when she cries, and I may be biased but she dosnet look pretty right now, she looks more broken than I have ever seen her.

It has been two months since Sam left he promised to come back, He texts me and I try to respond but I cant. I dont feel ok. I have always been happy but ai cant be happy when everything is broken when everything is wrong.__



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