Submitted by ivy luna
Write a story from the perspective of a character who has just done something horrible, and is trying to justify their actions.
Just Breathe (p.2)
They both pause in there steps and stare at eachother in silence for a few moments. Maddie crosses her arms and swings her bag to hit Will's shoulder.
"Hey, what was that for?"
"Everything," she spits out with tears pooling in her eyes.
His face softens and he says, "Maddie.."
She swiftly turn on her heels and walks away.
Maddie's POV
Why did I even stop and say hi? He held my heart it his hands, wringed all the love out of it and and threw it to the ground with a smile. He was there for me physically and mentally when I couldn't handle the world. Yet he took that comfort and just tossed it in the trash like a middle school boy would act as if it was a basket.
My pace sped up as I get the feeling he doesn't want our interaction to end. I try and hold back the tears as I have to stop for a green light on the road.
"Stop. Just stop. I don't want to see you ever again," I say with my head held high and facing forward.
He shuffles his feet and clears his throat.
"Maddie I never meant for that to happen-"
"But you did! Because it happened. It wasn't a joke, it wasn't a prank. It was real," by the second sentence I gave up on yelling. I just cried. All the emotions that I had overcome for years came flooding back.
The crosswalk turns green and I beeline out of there. Thankfully, I don't hear any footsteps behind me so I don't have to be almost running anymore. Im mad at him. He had the audacity to chase me, which cracked a piece of my mask revealing the worst emotion I could possibly show around him.
Will's POV
I go to that same stoplight the next day at the same time. I just want to see her. Hug her. Maybe even kiss her. Just one last time.
I spot her leaning against a lamp post and I try not to be visible to her. I go up behind her, lean down, and kiss her hair. She spins around so abruptly that I step back.
She hits me with her purse and runs away just as the light turns green. That is not what I thought would happen. Maybe her eyes glistening with hope, or rage, or even sadness. But not a surprise that she turned so soon I didn't even pick up the emotion she held.
I come back the next day. This time I'll follow her. I inch up behind her and kiss her ear. I wait for a reaction. The part where I touched turns red. I smirk knowing she liked what I just did. Her ears always turn red when she likes something.
"Just go Will."
Maddie's POV
I want to be mad. So raging mad that I slap him. So infuriated that I break his bones. I wish I were sad. Moarning over a loss so sweet yet so horrible. Crying my eyes out like I did last time. But his kiss just feels like a comfort, like a peace, like home.
"But I don't want to go. Maddie, like I said, I never meant for that to-"
"Stop! Will I don't care. I've been over you for years. And besides, I have a boyfriend."
I don't. But he doesn't have to know that.
Will's POV
My blood goes cold. I stare at her hair, being held by someone else's hand. Her lips, having kissed a stranger. I shove my hands in my pockets and stay silent. She still isn't facing me, but I feel as the though she would like to snap me in half.
"What's his name," I grumble in a low voice.
Flip Eric.
"How old is he."
"Two years older."
I hate this man.
"How tall is he."
I now have a worst enemy.
"Your awfully quiet," she comments.
"Well, I don't really care anyways because I have a girlfriend."
She snarles.
"No you don't."
"Yes I do."
"No you don't."
"Yes. I do."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do!" I practically scream in her ear. I don't. But she doesn't have to know that.
"If you had a girlfriend, you wouldn't chase me or kiss my ear," she says slowly.
"Okay, so maybe I don't. But I still don't care."
"If you say so Will..."
Maddie's POV
I blush when he gets protective. I know he's hates this 'Eric' I made up. I can tell it by his voice. He wants me back, bad. I flip my hair and continue walking forward as the crosswalk light turns on. I don't think he's following me, but I take the long route just to be sure.
He's back the next day.
"So, whose this Eric guy?"
"None of your business," I say facing him.
"He must not be the one then. You would be ecstatic to tell me about him if you really liked him."
"You are in no place telling me what is and isn't about my love life."
"So you love him?" he says with his eyes on fire.
"Not yet."
He grins.
"Double date tomorrow night at Pasta a la Positana. 7pm."
"Aww I would love to go, but I'd feel bad about you third wheeling."
His teeth clench and he looks infuriated.
"I found a date."
I roll my eyes and walk off.
"Wait wait wait! Okay, so maybe I don't. How about just you and me? Old friends catching up?" he sounds so desperate.
I swerve around with anger shown on my face.
"No! You broke my heart and I don't want you to do it again!"
Third Person POV
Maddie shows up to the dinner, to Will's surprise. His eyes light up and he pulls out the chair for her. She looks elegant in her long black dress.
"Have you been here before?" he asks.
"Yes. Once."
"Is it any good?"
"You've never been here before?"
"Nah, just sounded nice."
She gently places the napkin over her lap like a lady as he starts to fall in love all over again.
"Yes, there salad was pleasant."
"Salad? I'm talking there pasta!"
She giggles and swishes the water in her cup. The ice clinks against the glass, adding to the laughter.
"I miss this," he says.
"Miss what?"
She looks down and takes a long drink, hoping to avoid the comment and future questions that may come. Her eyes get wet with tears starting to form.
"Me too," she says quietly and wishes they will never speak of it again.
"Hi! What can I get you two?"
"I'll have the alfredo with extra chicken."
"Alright, and for you?"
"The spaghetti salad," the waitress winks at her.
"That's one of my favorites."
"Spaghetti salad?! What kind of a thing is that?!" he asks once she leaves.
"The best salad ever."
They both laugh and seem to forget why they broke up in the first place.
Will's POV
She's really here. Maddie is really at my house.
"So, what do you want for dessert? I've got some chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream. Like old times?"
She shakes her head while smiling.
"No, let's make new times. You got any whipped cream?"
I grin and nod my head eagerly. We stand there for like a minute until she asks,
"You going to get the whipped cream?"
I laugh and turn to my fridge getting it out from the second shelf to the side. No duh I should get the whipped cream. But I was too busy admiring her to do so.
"Chocolate chips?"
"Yes," I say slowly and look just to make sure I actually do.
She takes a cookie, places a large dollop of whipped cream on it, and adds a few chocolate chip. She makes another one for me with two cookies. How did she know?
"To new times!" she clinks our creations together and takes a big bite.
They both laugh as whipped cream both hits their nose. He tries to lick his off, but obviously can't reach his nose. He grabs a tissue and wipes it off. He reaches to take the cream off her nose too, and they both look at each other with a softness in their eyes.
Her lips part slightly and he moves a hair behind her ear. He leans in slowly and places a soft kiss on her lips. She accepts it with a gentleness that differs form the past. They both grin after the sweet moment ends.
"Will..." she starts and looks away from his loving eyes.
"Hey but Maddie, we can be something. Really. I wouldn't leave you again."
"I have to go," she says with tears in her eyes.
"Bye Will."
"Bye Maddie," he says quietly after she's already out the door.
Okay y'all i know that it has been a while. i've had marching band 8 hours a day, school starting, and terrible writers block. But finally, (finally 😅) i got a part two out. i will probably write more shorter stuff after this, i took a needed break along with my writers block. (aka i felt pressured to write bc of my streak, and less for fun. but i'm back now 🤩) what do we think?? 😏🤭😉