A character must navigate the ups and downs of first love.

How will they navigate the challenges of a new relationship and what will they learn about love along the way?

Love At First Sight Ch. 9 Pt. 2

Leo “Y-You, what?,“ I stuttered, removing my hands from his shoulders. “I love you,” Israel snapped. “I’ve loved you since I first met you. You make me so fucking happy, Leo! Your the reason I’m gay. And I know that you could never love me the same way, but here I am, telling you anyway.” How could I be so naive? Now it all made so much sense! When he walked up to me in the lobby, talking on the roof all those nights, him constantly staring at me.l, when he was so mad about Olivia asking me out. And don’t even get me started on Israel’s constant need to protect me. “Israel, I-,” I started. “Please, just reject me already so I we can just move past this,” Israel begged, his black eyes melting into mine. “No, Israel-.” “Leo, just say ‘no’ already,” he insisted. I wanted to tell Israel how much I loved him, how I wouldn’t reject him, how he meant the world to me. But that would work, not with this persistent attitude. Before I could even have another thought, I made the bipolar decision to stand on my tippy toes and gingerly kiss Israel’s lips. It wasn’t a romantic kiss. It was brief and not long lived, but I sent my heart rate through the roof. When I pulled away, Israel’s face was brighter than a cherry. “I-I’m sorry,” I murmured. “I just didn’t know any other way to tell you that I do love you. A lot, actually. And, well, you make me so fucking happy too.” Israel seemed as if he was about to have a heart attack. “Y-Your serious,” he asked. “Like, your not just doing this to make me feel better or make me happy?” That’s when I slapped Israel across the face, jolting him to the side “OW!,” he cried, placing his hand on his even redder cheek. “WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?” I glared at him in an annoying manner. “To snap you out of whatever’s going on of here!,” I shot back. “Listen, I love you. I really do. If I didn’t, I would be completely honest and blunt about it.” Israel stared at me for a moment, then smiled. “You are something else, Leo Astelli,” he muttered happily, shaking his head. I shrugged. “Yeah, I know,” I replied, a very sim smile on my face. Israel’s wide smile grew even brighter. “God I love you,” he whispered. “It feels good to say it, you know?” I shook my head. “It does feel good,” I agreed. And in that moment, that moment, everything seemed perfect. Israel loved me, I loved him, those gorgeous black eyes melted into mine. And from that day forward, I knew that everything would be alright as long as I was with Israel.
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