Write a blank verse poem on a topic that's important to you.

Blank verse poetry doesn't rhyme, but has a very strict structure which builds a melody through rhythm. (One way to create this is to structure each line with the same amount of syllables, and the same syllabic stresses, like you might if you were writing the verses of a song.)


I’m still alive

Today I’m smiling

But tomorrow I cry

The fall you took

Was to much to bear

Tried to turn you into a story

But there’s none to be told

You were a brave soul

Selfless in heart

Brave in spirt

Smart in people

You sacrificed your life

On your own good will

Decided to leave me

Left me with a card

But I threw it away in tears

Made a crack in the cement

waiting For you to come back

And play with me again

You knew what you did

But did it to save your

New friends you made

Now you spend your time

Alone without me in a

Better place

Always wanted to leave

Then found out life was worth it

But got injured in a fire

Saving a child life

Had friends whom

Made you happy

But when you left

You knew everyone can

Be turned into gold

You been a human

To a dog

To a human again

You were always a serious person

But you died to protect me

You went into the veil

That is like a gate

Now your soul is gone

Behind the mist

I still see you when your gone

But you shouldn’t have died for me

You all knew what you did

It was to save the world of the bad

You knew the cost

But came to accept it when

You had to make a choice between

Life or death but you all chose death

To let the people you love survive the war

You are all battling for a greater world

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