Dear Ashley, I Think You're Beautiful

TW: ED and drug use

Ashley said she wants to rip all of her hair out

'Cause it will never be as soft as Emmeline's.

Ashy lungs, coughing her tongue up every midnight,

Like she could smoke away the bitter in her rind.

Ashley took down all the mirrors in her bedroom;

She couldn't bear to look the monster in the eye.

"Talia's so pretty — why can't I be her?"

Tally numbers from the scale until you die.

Ashley vomits in the toilet after eating;

Mia said that she'd be gorgeous if she tried.

Ninety sit-ups every day and in the evening,

Mealtimes — she never has an appetite.

Ashley does her makeup and pretends to laugh,

But she chokes on her own tears when she's alone

'Cause her body never curved the way that Niamh's does,

And she'll never be the girls inside her phone.

Ashley's high, like, every fucking time I text her

So she'll forget all about Prisha's perfect teeth.

I wish that Ashley saw herself the way that I do;

Maybe then she'd drop the pills and learn to breathe.

Ashley tells me she can't name one thing about her

That doesn't make her sour with disgust.

I promise, Ashley, I think that you're flawless,

And I'll love you till we're both reduced to dust.

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