Write a poem about a form of energy.

You may interpret ‘energy’ however you want, whether scientifically, magically, or metaphorically.

Far Below

So far below, That is above; Across the walk, I fell in love; Demons of dances, Electrical fire; Sadism clashes, A cold empire; As cold as December, But further up north; A change in the weather, Brews up a storm; Maniacal fantasies, await at the door; Can I be good? Just once more? I slumber in darkness and awake with all sin. A new day has started, with a devious grin. While Razors of darkness, tear off my skin. I’m stuck forever. Alone in my abyss. Energies contorted, my one and only wish. A cloud with no rain, would give me a kiss. A welcome in wonder, of how I break out. No time for the weather, no time for the clout. A broad leaf has opened, And started to sprout; Thistles of roses, Grow from the ground; Release me. Release me now.
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