The Finalists

"Helen! Guess what."


"I'm one of the finalists!"

Her face turns white and her eyes convey loss.

"You know that's not a good thing, right?"

"But if I make it through.."

"If is the key word. Are you sure you want to go with this?"


"Ok. See you... when I see you."

"Wait! Helen! Where are you going?"

She walks into the fog and I know I will never find her again.

I stare down the enchanted forrest, in it's dark path. My mind wanders into the hope of making it out. I use my powers, an advantage I was given. I light a twig on fire, and make it grow. My hand gets tired from all the magic so it only is a spark.

The trees whisper dought in my ear as my feet crunch on the ground. An eerie wind howls loudly for each step I take. I see a pair of yellows eyes not so far away. I freeze in my tracks, then make a run for it. Branches whack my face, my ankles have twig cuts and my hair is in a million knots when I get out. I pant and feel good that I got over with the enchanted forrest.

A valley of candy is to the bridges of my eyes. All I see are chocolate bark trees, sour apple candy strip grass, and gummy bushes. It's all so tempting, but I force myself through. Because it is the finals, they poisened most of the food. No one else knows this besides me, since I used to work here. I used my fire to make twisted sugars of all kinds, unless the finalists were heading this way.

The smell of candy still lingers in the air once I get to the unicorn mountains. They trot around the high hill, white with a touch of rainbow. The mountain is grey, rocky and hard to climb. I pet one of the creatures, hoping they'll give me a wish. It neighs loudly and I step away. I try almost every one, until the gold horned one obeys. It doesn't flinch, and I feel it's wish coming to me. When it taps my head, I suddenly open my eyes to the abandoned castle.

It's so warm that I take off my sweater. I hear a roar from the distance when I realize I've made it through the mountains. I grab the sword out of my bag and trudge through. The dragon is hidden in here somewhere. I see an orangey glow come from my right and I run the other direction. The fire follows me, almost touching my back. Suddenly there's a wall in front of me and I'm trapped. Most don't make it this far.

I clutch the sword with all my might as the fire beast approaches me. My eyes shut tight and I slide against the wall. But no fire escapes it's mouth. I slowly open my eyes and find its head tilted, pondering about me. It sniffles and moves out of my way. I walk past it in shock, because I have made it through the cave.

I take long steps to the palace, and no one is in sight. I knock the door three times, before it opens. The queen smiles brightly when she sees me. I curtsy.

"Your majesty."

She laughs.

"Please, call me Carol."

"Hi Carol. Please tell me I'm not the last one here."

"You are the first. Welcome, princess."

My wide smile stays plastered on my face the next day. I made it.


So some context...

I am an actress. I get auditions sometimes from my agent. I got a callback down in LA. I went to LA with my mom. I did the callback. It was 5 minutes max. My mom and I start to drive to our hotel. 2 hours in the trip we get a call from my agent. She says I'm one of the finalists. Yesterday, my mom got another call from my agent saying,


So you might see me on TV...

I'll give you guys more updates once we're filming it and stuff.



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