Code 143

A colab with A.J Kit :)


Donnie scanned the nearby buildings again.

"Ugh, we're not getting anywhere with this! What are we even looking for? I'm so bored..." Leo complained.

Donnie put his goggles over his eyes. "We're looking for more oozequitos, Leon. And-"

"But all the oozequitos are gone. Can't we just go home now?" Mikey asked.

Donnie sighed. "If they're all gone, then why more have reports of mutants roaming the city been in the news, huh?"

"Are you sure they didn't just catch us or something?" Raph wondered.

"You know what, if you three are _so_ tired of looking, why don't you go back? It's not like a actually need you dum-dums here." Donnie waved them away.

The trio glanced around at each other and left.

"I was wondering when they'd leave. Siblings, am I right?" a girl's voice suddenly asked.

"You're lucky they get bored easily, Saki." Donnie lifted his goggles back into his head.

"You bet your shell I am." She walked over and sat, dangling her legs over the side of the building like his.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Saki slowly inched her hand closer to Donnie's until she could wrap hers around it.

"Have I told you about my sisters?" Saki asked.

"No, I don't believe you have." Donnie smiled.

"They're amazing. Anybody would be lucky to have them as sisters. Your brothers would be perfect for them if they knew who they were." Saki explained.

"I'm sure they would." Donnie whispered.

Saki rested her head on his shoulder. "Why must you sound so sad?"

"I'm not, Saki. Just happy you're here as always." He smiled down at her.

Her ear suddenly twitched. "Someone's coming." she shifted into a tiny mouse and awkwardly tried to look natural.

Donnie slowly got up and turned around. "Anyone there?"

"Maybe I was wrong. Why don't you go on ahead and I'll be right down?" Saki squeaked.

He nodded and left down a ladder. She shifted back into herself when he disappeared.

"What are you thinking?" she hissed. "He could've seen you!"

Her sisters emerged from the shadows.

"Relax, Saki. There's no way he would've seen us." Tomio said.

"And why aren't you with the other turtles? We need all the information on the Baron as we can, you know that." Saki demanded.

"They all said they were too tired to come out tonight, even Mikey. We thought we could follow you instead." Ko whispered.

Saki pinched the skin between her eyes. "No, you can't follow me. Go back home and I'll be there after I tell Donnie, alright?"

"Alright." the three girls leaped away.

Saki watched them with a sigh before quickly going after Donnie.


"Boo, could we go to the Hidden City today? I think it would be good for us." Ko asked.

Mikey leaped down onto another building. "Anything you wish. Though, do you happen to know of any other entrances other then well...a trash can?"

Ko jumped down with him. "Sure do. I always carry this around."

She brandished a small circular device out of her pocket and went over to a nearby wall to draw the M on it. The portal opened after. The duo went in and landed at the Hidden City's more official entrance.

"Where do you want to go first?" Mikey asked. "The last time I went here with Drax- I mean Barry and dad, it didn't go so well."

"Draxum? Baron Draxum? You talk about him a lot it seems. Why don't we go find some food and you can tell me more about him?" Ko whispered.

"Oh, uh, sure. I that." Mikey stuttered.

Ko grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the market. They quickly found a good place to eat and ordered.

"Now, about Baron Draxum...?" Ko started.

"He was the one that mutated me and my brothers to originally make us into protectors of his yokai kind from humans. He's a great guy on the inside now. After the Dark Armour drained his life force, _I_ managed to get him back on his feet. My brothers, dad, and April didn't like it, but I wasn't going to give up. Barry was family, and he deserved a second chance." Mikey finished.

"That was an interesting story, boo. By 'back on his feet' though...does that means he lives up there or...?" Ko asked slowly.

"Oh yeah. I got him an apartment and a job as a lunch lady at April's school." Mikey told her proudly.

"Your family must be really lucky to have you." Ko smiled. "I sure am."

"And I'm lucky to have you two, Ko." Mikey smiled back.


Leo glanced from side to side to make sure no one was following him before climbing up the ladder. He reached the top and pushed the manhole cover over.

"You finally made it." Kaede laughed. "Fashionably late like everyday."

"I can never get my dad off my shell." Leo laughed too. "He's always wanting to know where I'm going for whatever reason. Maybe it's because Dee and Mikey are still gone or something."

"They didn't come home yet?" Kaede's confused face didn't meet her eyes.

"Nope." Leo pulled himself out of the hole and covered it back up.

"We could go to the Hidden City to check for them." Kaede suggested.

"Unless you know another way there except a garbage can, I'm not going. Besides, looking for them is worthless. If they've been out this long, clearly they want to be left alone." Leo said.

"So stubborn." Kaede giggled.

"Ha, my specialty." Leo whispered.

"Where do you wanna go then?" Kaede asked.

"I don't know. We could try Hueso's if you want." Leo replied.

"That sounds okay. Hueso is the skeleton man right?" Kaede questioned.

"Yeah. This way." Leo headed in the direction of the restaurant.

Kaede followed behind him. This was going to be fun to watch. They reached their destination after a short walk. Leo moved his hand and the door opened so they could walk through.

"Hola Pepino." Hueso walked up to them and glanced behind Leo with narrowed eyes. "Two pizzas today?"

"Yep." Leo answered. "And we'll be at that table waiting for it."

"Actually, I do need a quick chat with you." Hueso whispered to him.

"Okay...? Kaede, you can wait for a few moments, right? I gotta talk with Señor apparently." Leo walked away with the skeleton into a back room.

"It's alright, Kaede. You have a plan for this. Don't...worry." She took a deep breath and took a seat at the table.

Hueso jerked Leo into the room and slammed the door. He put two bony hands on his shoulders. "She is dangerous, Pepino! What are you doing with her?"

"Who, Kaede? She's not dangerous." Leo said.

"She is! She works for the worst Tanuki boss. She's just trying to use you to get revenge. This is serious!" Hueso shouted and shook him.

"Look bone man, I don't know what you're talking about. Kaede isn't like that." Leo said defensively.

"If you won't listen to me, then go. But it's not my fault when she betrays you." Hueso reopened the door to let him out.

Leo walked past him and headed to the table and Kaede. Hueso just sighed.

"There you are. I was wondering when you'd come back." Kaede smiled.

"Yeah, well, Señor just rambled on about how you were dangerous, so it took a little." Leo sat down.

Kaede narrowed her eyes. "And do you believe him?"

"Of course not." Leo replied.

"Good. I think it's my turn to have a talk with him now. Be right back, don't go anywhere." Kaede walked off in Hueso's direction.

She pushed him into the back room. He didn't look surprised.

"Kaede." he merely said.

Kaede grabbed her naginata from her back and pointed it at him. "If you say another word to him about this, I will personally destroy your precious restaurant myself."

Hueso glanced down at the sharp tip and hestitantly nodded. "Pepino wouldn't listen to me about you anyway."

Kaede retracted the blade and seathed it back. "Very good." she laughed.


"You've been quiet." Tomio whispered.

Raph turned to her. "Just tired."

She kicked her legs against the window behind them. Raph looked away at the street again.

She scooched closer to him and wrapped an arm around his. "I'm here if you wanna talk."

"I'm worried for my brothers." Raph took a small deep breath. "They all left this morning. I think they're seeing others. Otherwise, they would never be out this long."

"In their defense, so are you big guy." Tomio reminded him.

"But I'm the oldest. They could be getting into trouble for all I know." Raph sighed.

"Hey, I'm the oldest of my sisters too, you know. I worry about them sometimes when they go out on their own. But, if they're with others like you said, then none of them are alone. Whoever they're with will keep them in check." Tomio said.

"I guess you're right." Raph agreed. "They are in good hands, whomever they're with."

"That's the Raph I know. Why don't you tell me some more about yourself to pass the time?" Tomio asked.

"Sure. Well, you know my brothers..."

Raph rambled on for hours. Only when Tomio put a finger up to his mouth did he stop.

"I gotta go back home, big guy. You should too, it's getting late." she whispered.

Raph scrambled up and backed away from the edge of the building. Tomio did too and started off in the direction of her home.

"I'll miss you..." Raph told her quietly.

"I'll miss you too. See ya tomorrow, Raph, goodnight." Tomio leaped away. "If there even is a tomorrow. Ko somehow has all the information we need already." she added to herself.

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