Door shut tightly, might the monsters come.
Write a poem which ends with this line. You may wish to interpret the 'monsters’ metaphorically rather than literally.
right on the edge of my head
that i am stuck inside
a cloudy haze of swirling red
emotions taking flight
i cannot open myself up
i cannot let them in
it’s better to stay tightly shut
or else they’ll surely win
they’re monsters, nothing else
because they never go away
i’m convinced they came from hell
because they want to stay
with me, inside my brain
where it’s dark and freezing cold
they tend to induce certain pain
with memories, new and old
i had the door shut tightly
i don’t know how they got in
but now they visit nightly and
i’m crawling in my skin
please leave, i whisper, i beg
a last pathetic plea
an effort to get back what was once my head
from the monsters living inside of me.