Craft an ode to the trials of growing up.
An Ode is a lyrical poem celebrating or glorifying an aspect of life.
The Decay Of Manifestation
Another day I waste as if I was immune to death
Carelessness many call it
As I sit here doing mindless task for minimal compensation
I often ask my self is this all there is for me
I know I am more I can contribute more
I am like the North Star
Once a gift from god
to guide u threw the night
But in this new world i am forgot
like and undiscovered diamond hard to hold and rough to look at
waiting to be heard
Like a shepherd with no flock to guide
I feel meaningless
no purpose to make me look Ahead
Just day bye day
I sink further into this earth
waiting for it to consume me
To die forgotten like most leaving nothing behind but a few sheets of paper