'The truth finally came to light.'
Write a poem which ends with this line.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
It’s not that I’m overwhelmed.
It’s not that I’m burnt out.
I’m just empty.
I don’t even remember why I care so much.
What does it matter if I get a bad grade?
What does it matter if I let them all down?
What does it matter if I just quit?
Who would even notice?
Anyone who did would learn to live without me.
I could be washed away into a warning:
This is what happens when you put others first.
This is what happens when you’re last on your own to-do list.
This is what happens when you stitch yourself out of other people’s expectations.
It really doesn’t matter though, does it?
One day they’ll wake up and I’ll be gone.
They’ll get over it, right?
I’ve spent my whole life trying to be what they wanted,
Don’t I deserve this one time to be selfish?
To choose myself over them?
To escape?
I don’t know what to do anymore.