Too Far


Shout words as jokes,

because you’re afraid to speak

and bring it to life as real.

You hide it, scared to fall weak.

You say everything

to disguise the terror.

“They can’t embarrass me;


You can’t fall silent,

it’s an act of defeat.

‘Don’t be like that,

were you born on the street?’

Don’t talk too much.

Don’t talk too little.

Most words are jokes,

and we’re left in the middle.

If you don’t joke

about your insecurities,

you’re suddenly just

another human impurity.

Because that’s too emotional,

too deep and disgusting.

Somehow, I guess, honesty

died alongside trusting.

An act of kindness

is suddenly covering a slip-up?

When you help them,

you both wonder, was it picked up?

Jokes gone too far,

but feelings falling depthless.

People laugh at everyone

except feelings; except this.

Smash a heart,

make a joke.

Dance around shards,

and cut and poke.

I call you shallow,

but I may be a hypocrite.

Yet, you whine when you have

to go through the thick of it.

If a joke goes too far,

nobody gives a second glance.

They just smile and laugh,

sing and dance.

Are you stuck in a trance?

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