In a small village where nothing exciting ever happens, a mischievous group of elderly citizens sets out to create mayhem and mischief for the fun of it.

Village Changes

We all knew our village was small, but we did not realize how small. My eentire life in this village everyone has known everyone. We never lock our doors or cars. We never had crime before. Parents did not worry about thier kids in our little village. Once in a way a traveler would make a wrong turn on the way to the coast. The traveler would stumble into our small village and not be sure what to do. They would stay the night and the next day continue on thier way.

Today was different.All the parents were talking quietly so us kids could not really hear. They kept looking up the road out of the village. We had not had a traveler in the village in almost three months as of today. Us kids were trying to figure out whay the parents were so worried. The parents would stop talking if us kids can to close.

The next day, parents still were whispering to each other. Us kids starting trying to figure things out. One child found out there were weird things happening. The parents did not know what was causing the mischief. My parents told me to stay with my grandmother while they went to the village meeting. My friends and I just waited until grandma was taking her nap. We left the house to go to the meeting. Parents were yelling at one another saying how the mischief was getting worse. They had found things missing over night. Our village all slept about the same time.

Parents started locking the house door when we went to bed just to find the door unlocked when we woke up every morning. The parents did not like that idea. Parents worried for us kids in the vilage. If the door got unlocked during the night the door was unlocked from the inside of the home. This mean some one was leaving the house during the night. The parents thought it was us kids. We all knew it was not us, because we did not eve not listen to our parents. Parents scared each one of us.

Mischief was happening thought the week. First just the doors were being unlocked. Next parents started to realie that the horse corrals were unlocked now. Each morning e would wake up to all the horses in the village center. Lucky the horses did not run away. The parents decided to set up a watch rotation to figure out the mischief that is happeneing in the village.

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