Suibmitted by Maranda Quinn
Create a story or a poem centred around the theme of serendipity.
Serendipity is when a series of seemingly unfortunate events ultimately leads to a positive outcome.
A True Story
People telling me what you said about me. In a group chat of 16 people.
“ Annoying”
“ thinks she is everything when she is not”
“ such a brat”
“ fucking bitch”
“ so f-Ing weird”
And like 10 other things.
It’s the week of the school play.
There is 2 casts because there is too many people.
I found out what she said
right before I go on stage.
The funny thing is, I went to your show.
I saw you and I godamned cheered for you.
We barely had talked ever, but we have mutual friends.
And so I cheered for you on that stage.
And now I am about to go on. The whole school had to go to both performances.
So she is in the audience.
I tell the teacher, me and others
The teacher does not fucking believe me,
When there is a bunch of people with an audio recording and screenshots.
I sob so hard but get it together.
I am amazing on the stage.
You are forced to apologize the next day.
Everyone hates her.
Nobody eats with her at lunch.
People tell me how bad they feel for me.
People I barely know.
The popular girls.
We have a party for the school play.
We get candy and chips and stuff.
You don’t have anyone to talk to.
You sit alone.
And cry.