A Rant

It only took him a year to completely destroy me.


Out of all the boys in the school, I just had to date him. I didn’t know why, maybe his aura was securing - or maybe his smile was nice ( at first ). Or maybe it was that he seemed like a gentle heart; always ready to help another in need.

The red flags didn’t appear quickly, no. I genuinely thought he was a great guy. I pushed all my negative thoughts away; I gave him a chance.

At first he was peculiar, mysterious. He always said the right words to make me flush, or making me wish to be by his side.

The first year was okay, we occupied ourselves getting to know each other. Until the next year arrived.

The more I look back at it, the more bile threatens to arise from my mouth. Vile, lustful things he said to me, pressuring to complete these actions. I refused, my heart aching. What turned innocent was morphed into a living hell I endured.

Until she came along. She was an enemy of mine-let’s call her Molly. She came in, and he was immediately drawn to her.

The next few months he broke it off, leaving me alone. Now I’m not innocent here either, friends. These years were hard on me, and I was so stressed to the point my anger was uncontrollable. I regret that, and still take accountability to this day.

He, does not.

What turned into almost a year of seeing her, to start committing the same acts he did with me. But rather, he coerced her into thinking it was okay. That he needed it. Completely disregarding her own comfortability.

My mind is filed with rage at this point.

Molly was breaking, she couldn’t leave. She felt that she just had to stay. Until that night.

A text turned into a call, then into talking everyday.

Molly, once my enemy, now my friend- more than friend.

Best friend

Going back to him; He gained Rome, until it all crashed down. Within a year mind you.

You, my good sir. You are the smartest kind of stupid. Thinking you could divide us with your words when God had other plans. He used this to unite us, while you wallow in self pity. You are exposed, not by many- but us. You lost two ‘most important’ people within a few years.

We are free from your chains, and you are so, so stupid for thinking we could hate each other forever.

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