I Guess I'm the Villain

"Hunt down the traitor, and bring them back to me alive."

"Yes sir," said my assistant. Oh boy is she going to get a surprise when she gets here. I have many plans for my dear, Darcy Helenblast.

A few days pass by, with boredom filling my days. Finally I get word from my assistant, saying he'll be home in a day.

My smirk shows when I finally see Darcy. Her face says that she has nothing to do with me. "Why hello, my dear Darcy Helenblast. Funny seeing you here."

"Very funny Mr. Gobsnap."

"Mr.? You're going to be more polite than that if you want a treat."

"Just kill me already," mumbles Darcy.

"Why, I could do no such thing. We've got to have a little fun first."

I unlock the cage, welcoming myself into Darcy's home. She jumps, and stumbles to the back, as far away from me as possible.

"If your going to kill me, do it fast."

"Why would I kill you? It's not like were on bad terms," I say with a tentative hidden smirk.

"You win Gobsnap. I would prefer a gun to the heart."

"You want me to have a place in your heart?"

She mutters something bad, under her breath. I get halfway to the bed when she flinches. She is not scared, but worried about the unknown. If she could only know the unknown.

"What's the matter Darcy? Are you scared?"

Her face is still, making me guess her emotions. I tilt my head as I get closer, only a few feet away. I hold out my hand, seeing if she'll take it.

She look up at me, with a questioning glare in her dark greenish hazel eyes.

"I'll let you out if you be good," I croon to her, as if she were a pet. She hesitates, knowing I could be up to something.

"No games Darcy. Just a little walk, so you know I'm not as evil as I was put up to be."

Her hand doesn't touch my arm. She brisks past me, in such a rush to get out of her home.

"Now, Darcy, you should show some respect to your host."

"You aren't my host. Your a cager," she spits back. I smirk. As I always do around Darcy Helenblast.

I catch up, and hold out my hand one last time. She, surprisingly, takes it. Gently, and with question and fear. It's slow, but her gruff hand reaches mine. She keeps up at a fast pace, not the slow walk I imagined.

"Woah there, dear. Not too fast. Unless you want to go back into your home," I say, smugly. She retreats to a slower pace, more my speed. A hair blows into her face. She doesn't move it. So I do. I turn to face her, and gently brush the hair back. Her dark, aubern brown hair is short, just past her shoulders. I search her eyes. She searches mine. It seems she snaps back to reality, moving forward and letting go of my hand.

"Time to go back, my dear."

"I'm not your 'dear'. I'm your pet."

"Now Darcy, if you want to have a good time, act like it."

I reach out my hand, hoping she'll take it again. She doesn't.

I lock the door with a breath, and say, "And tomorrow it will be."

Her clothes slide off her body, exposed in the cage. She climbs into the bed like a cat purring to take a nap. The silky sheet come over her, blocking the view of other areas. Her hair slowly falls across her face, as she breathes until drifting to sleep. I watch all of it. I have a camera set up so I can see any move she makes. I'm glad I did. I call my assistant, asking him to do me a favor. He quickly goes to it. She'll have a surprise in the morning.

I unlock the cage but don't go in quite yet. She seems to be waking from the noise, and I let her take it all in. She sits up, still half asleep. Then she sees me. She jumps out of shock and quickly covers herself with the sheets I got specially designed for her.

"Good morning my dear Darcy."

"Get out." It's a threat. But this is my place, not hers to tell.

"To where?"

"At least let me change, you villain."



"only if you do me a favor, hmm lets see, "

"Hurry up Gobsnap."

"put on this instead."

I hold out the the flowy cream dress, with dainty lace details. It has two small straps, and reaches down to her mid thigh.

"Just this," is all I say, letting her take in the meaning. She stares at the elegant dress for a long time, until she looks up at me with her eyes. She searches them, trying to find every hidden crevice thats deep inside of me.

"Fine." Glimmer and hate are swirled inside her glossy, precious eyes.

She grabs it with quite some force, and mutters something as I leave. I don't look at the camera this time. That image will soon be in my reach.

"Look at you, my dear Darcy. You could have won in a beauty pagent if you had some grace."

"Shut up."

I give her a smug look as I take her hand to go for a walk. She flinches for a second at the sudden grab, but takes it cautiously.

I take her outside, to the beautiful meadows near the place.

"I didn't know you could live with beauty surrounding you. I figured it would be a dark, scary forrest," she comments sarcastically.

"Well, we could call it a forrest and I could be your prince charming," I say with a sly grin stuck to my stupid face. That was too fast. I hope she doesn't back down.

Her laughter fills the entire two acres of flowers. Her scuffy perfect eyes glance at me for a moment, but her head turns away. My cheeks start to burn and I am shocked by the sensation. I have never blushed before.

Her hand squeezes tighter in my hand. I lead us over to a little table in this enchanted garden.

"Aren't you the villain in the world? Why such a magical place?" As usual, another snarky comment from miss dear Darcy.

"As I've told you before, I am not put up to what everyone says about me."

She slips into the bench across from mine, as I open up the basket already put on the table. Two juicy red apples, homemade ham sandwiches, and two flute glasses. I reach under and pull out the bottle of champagne. She snickers as I pop the lid open and pour us each a half of glass.

"Where did all of this inspiration cone from? I am your pet, after all."

"Well, I like to treat my pets nicely, aside from the cage."

I tilt the glass and drink the last sip. I executed this lunch wonderfully. My dear Darcy drank almost 7 glasses, as we finished the bottle. Her eyes flitter from the glass to my eyes. I get up, and leave my arm out so she can have some support as she gets up. We walk in comforting silence back to the place.

I unlock her cage so she can go inside for the night. I walk in with her, and clean up her bed so she can have a nice cat nap. She slides on, in a position where she almost poses like a supermodel. One of her strap falls. I reach my hand out to fix it for her. Her lips purce. I smirk. She stays there, and lowers her strap again. I get up, and walk slowly to the door. Her eyes stare at me the entire time. I see a longing in her, for me to come back. I shut the door and lock it.

"Tomorrow," I wisper.

I unlock her cage for the last time.

"My dear Darcy, your time here has been pleasant for the past month."

She mutters, and says, "Finally. No more of my cage." I hand her a wine glass filled to the brim, and the drink pours down into her throat. She looks at me like a dog, wanting for more. My assistant comes in and fills it up again. This process is repeated 3 times.

"As you say I'm not in this cage anymore, would your bed be suitable?"

I hand her the elegant dark blue laced dress, as I have given her a new one with each day. I give her a wink and a few minutes to change. I hear her bathtub turn on so I leave her for half an hour.

I lean against her door, and wistle at the view.

"You ready? Or do you want to stay in here, since your so eager."

I snatch her hand and pull her close, only inches from her plump perfect lips. Everything else seems to be touching. Our hands go up, almost like a long high five. I drag my right hand down slowly, reaching to her lower elbow. My hand seems to find its way to her waist. I pull her in even tighter. Our noses find eachother. She hunts my eyes, needing for an emotion. I clasp my left hand into hers. Then, we go into a waltz. A slow, somber, romantic waltz. I wisper sweet words into her ear. She gives my jaw soft kisses. All the way down to my neck. She finds her way to the middle, then up. She goes past my chin and stops when she gets to my lips. I use the pause as my way to make a move. I embrace her in a power kiss. The dancing stops. That kiss turns into something more and I let it be that way.

I turn of the gentle fluffy bed and see her pretty face. Eyes that have been worn out by battle, and fighting for what's right. Her button nose that is sized just right that doesn't quite seem to fit the tough look she was going for. Her cheeks, shaved even with no hairs, are spotted with freckles. There is very little, but formed by her time in the sun. Then her lips. Perfect, natural, plump, roundish pink lips. I grab her hand and her eyes split open. Her smile could warm the whole country. I could go on and on about more parts of her, that only I have seen. I reach with my other hand and brush out the hair on her cheek. Then I pull her into a light kiss. We stay in that kiss for some time, as I gently brisk my hand over my favorite parts of her. She isn't wearing anything so nothing is blocking my way. She turns the kiss into a strong, deep one. We press out bodies against eachother. I grip my hand around her back so there is no air inbetween us. She rolls on top of me. I open my eyes and see the most beautiful human in the world. My dear Darcy Helenblash. I let go. She looks at me, her lips still parted. She giggles. I smirk. We fall back into a sleeping position, but this time, pressed up against eachother. Her breathing slows and I grin.

"I love you," I wisper with no one to hear but me.

"No! Don't! Please."


Tears swell in both our eyes. Mine falls first. She sobs. I watch her go, as if I was being shot. If I was, my blood would spill everywhere for her. I would kill for her. I guess that makes me the villian. I holler for my assistant, giving him directions. I hand him my gun. I run. I run to my Darcy, I run to my only love. Oh why did I say goodbye.


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