Hot Air Balloon & Mountain Climbs

I really wanted to get to the top of the mountain because I knew that I would be able to hop into the hot air balloon. I was with my hiking friends and we were all happy to be making our way. The problem I kept running into were the rocks. I put on my hiking boots and kept marching through the trees but witb every step I took things got harder and harder. Climbing up hill was not a walk in the park, it wasn’t long before my hips began to feel weak and I needed to take a break. I took a slight break and then began to take a look around at my group, “how much longer do we have?”

My group shrugged, “it should be no more than about fifteen minutes,” one of the hiking men stated. I looked at the men to think about ways to make it to the top without my body breaking down on me.

“Does anyone have an ibuprofen?” I asked the group, thinking that if I could just curve the pain then I would be alright.

One the females took a bottle of pills out of her bag. I popped one. In my mind, I’m thinking to myself everything will be fine and I’ll make it to the top to get into the hot air balloon.

Once the break was over I got back onto my feet, the leader stated we should be no more than six minutes away. It was approximately two minutes later that I began to feel pulsations through my chest, I wanted to burp but there was no food in my system so only air came up, and when my heart beat increased I knew I was high.

The type of high this was, I wasn’t sure. My hope was that whatever I popped was an ibuprofen that was mixed with CBD, but the issue was that this high hit immediately so it couldn’t have been the same as an edible, edibles take time. Maybe this was sativa and I was about to see the forest through rose tinted lenses.

But it wasn’t that either. We walked on for a few more metrics and then I came across a stream. I told the group that the pain hadn’t stop, the pill had me feeling weird and I wanted to drink some mountain water. Whatever was in my system I wanted it out so I bent over and collected water in my cup and began to drink it like crazy. The group eyed me down and I didn’t care, I ignored them.

On the final gulp down I lost my cup to the stream, frantic I tried to chase after it until my foot slipped and I slid down the stream. Three members had to pull me out of the water, quickly. When I came back up for air I had a concussion. Instead of making it to the hot air balloon, I made it to the hospital.

When I woke up, I was told that I fell in my shower by my husband.

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