Submitted by Cheyenne King

Describe a moment in life which seems to last forever.

You could write this as a poem or story, or as a descriptive paragraph.

Dancing In The Rain

D ancing in the rain

A nd twirling all around,

N othing can stop this feeling of

C ircling

I ndefinitely, puddles beneath our feet.

N ever letting go as we dart across the

G round.

I nconsiderate of our soaking socks,

N ot caring to use an umbrella

T he sun has

H id its face, but the fun has just begun beneath the

E ver-watchful eyes on the droplets splattering down

R unning, racing, splashing, playing,

A round the block and through the woods, till

I t's time to part ways. But the memories stay,

N ever leaving after dancing in the rain.

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