In The Woods

The cold seeps into my bones. Like a chill that can never be sated no matter how much I try to warm my self up. Running around trying to find rocks helps close to none with me trying to stay warm. Not that it’ll matter in a few minutes. I glance over at the mangled body that use to be my brother. A kitchen knife still lying in his stomach. His eyes soulless and empty, staring out into the sunset. Something that shouldn’t be so pretty considering the events that took place in the last hour.

The sky gives my brother the illusion of flushed cheeks, when I really know that he’s more pale than he’s ever had been before.

A tear makes its way down my cheek despite me trying to rein it all in. I never meant for this to happen. But it did. And I can’t undo it. I guess now I’ll just have to get away with murder.

I know that Niko was trying to do right thing but he never understood what was going on with me. How much the past year has taken a toll on me.

I’ve finally collected enough rocks to make something close to two tomb stones. It’s the least I could do for us. I collect enough courage to touch Niko again and move his body to look somewhat peaceful. Not that it could really look like that with all the damage to him. Despite my will I smile as I take out the knife lying inside of him. Thick dark red blood slowly oozes from his wound. Making Niko’s already bloodied shirt even darker.

I look at my brother with no remorse as stab him again. Just for good measure before collecting some weeds and wrapping his fingers around them. His resting place. No one ever knowing why he just suddenly disappeared.

I felt the wind around me blow my hair to the side, tickling my nose. It’s winter. And everything is bare. The trees are dead. The grass is dead. The flowers are dead. The leaves are dead. Niko is dead.

I guess I should feel guilty about murdering my twin brother. But I don’t.

Because I’ll be joining him soon.

It’s why this whole thing happened in the first place. I went to end all of my agony and suffering earlier this morning but Niko wouldn’t let me. He tried to take the very knife I’m holding now from my grasp. And that’s when I snapped. When I sliced and stabbed until all I could see was a river of blood.

“I’m sorry Niko.” I say, my voice no more than a croak from all of the screaming I did earlier, “It was only suppose to be me. But I guess we can now move on to a better life.”

It’s a bad excuse for an apology. Mostly because I know I don’t really mean it. But it’ll all be over now. More tears spill from my eyes as I pick up the knife that was once embedded inside of him. I pick it up and lay down next to Niko. My twin. My best friend. I bring the knife to my neck and-

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