"Everybody wants to judge, but nobody wants to listen."

Write about a character who is going through a typically stigmatised situation. As an added challenge, try to write from the perspective of the opposite gender to yourself.

Listen To Me

_listen to me_ I scream

_i deserve to be heard aswell_

_i need somebody to tell me it’s okay_

_i need to know it’s not just me_

the words in my head need release,

but nobody wants to listen.

They judge,

They judge and judge and judge.

But nobody listens.

Lend me your ear for a moment.

One moment.

I do not need your pity,

I do not need your charity.

I merely need to be heard.

To be listened to.

_please_ I beg


_one moment_

_one moment before i fall apart_

_just to know i’m not alone_

_to know somebody is out there_

I need to feel loved

To feel cared for


By one person.

One hidden gem in the midst of this pile of dog shit.

Just one.


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